VIP Class Notes (Li)

Today we focused on:

Review task 1 structure

Writing structure samples:


Complete another task 1


Overall, the largest group of international graduates represented from New Brunswick – Overall, the largest group of international graduates graduated from New Brunswick/Overall, graduates from New Brunswick represented the largest group of international graduates in both 2001 and 2006 

increase of number of students – increase in the number of students

to approximately – of approximately

Reporting data points:

Increased from A% to B%

Difference between A% and B%

Both A and B are N%

*No personal pronouns (I/You/We/He/She etc.) when reporting data in task 1

We can see – There is/are … /The data/graph shows that…

To end the writing: for task one if there are a lot of data points, you can omit the use of a concluding statement – just report the breadcrumbs

To summarise/conclude; in conclusion/in summary; overall