VIP Class Notes (Li)


I feel stressed – adj

pressure – noun

ex. He’s been under a lot of pressure from his boss.

ex. She’s putting too much pressure on him to get married.


charge battery – to give sth power

guarantee – promise, but more formal

ex. I paid an agency to help me bid, but there’s no guarantee.

ex. He guaranteed that he will get the finished product to the customers by the end of the week.

Speaking exercise

A lot of users couldn’t log in to our website so I had to go back to work and solve the problem.

A lot of users couldn’t log in to our website, so I had to go/head back to work and solve the problem.

For me, I think it’s a good thing. I don’t have a lot work to do. I just have a little pressure.

For me, I think it’s a good thing. I don’t have a lot of work to do. I only have some stress.

I play games on Friday night because I change my mindset.

I play games on Friday night to relax/change my mindset.

I found out expensive Japanese food, it cost 2000.

I found out that expensive Japanese food costs 2000.

I saw a comments, I have to think about the comments.

I saw/read some comments/reviews, and I have to think about/consider the comments.

I like to buy a car, I always watch videos. So far, it’s difficult to choose electric and fuel car. A lot of people say electric cars …

I would like to buy a car, I have been watching videos. So far, it’s a difficult decision/choose between electric and fuel cars. A lot of people say electric cars …

But, I watch videos. some people in a video use their cars to drive long-distance. So, I think it’s too hard to choose because government support electric cars.

But, I watch videos. some people in a video drove their cars long-distance. So, I think it’s too hard to choose because the government supports electric cars.

If you don’t have a traffic jam, you can drive long-distance.

If there isn’t a traffic jam, you can drive long-distance.