VIP Class Notes (Li)


Read 2-3 chapters of the 3rd book.

Write down what you think of the ending of episode 4.

Today we focused on:

finished episode 4


formidable – inspiring fear or respect through being very large, powerful or capable

ex. Unlike the other guardians, Aunt Josephine appears to be a formidable lady.


joke – what someone says or does that is funny

ex. He’s very good at telling jokes to make people laugh.

Speaking exercise

He used a paper to clean it and the tattoo appear.

He used a piece of paper to rub the spot and the tattoo appeared.

The policeman is the man with two hook.

The policeman is the man with two hooks.

Monty’s house is beautiful than Count Olaf. His money is more than Count Olaf so he don’t want the children’s money.

Monty’s house is more beautiful than Count Olaf’s. He has more money than Count Olaf, so he doesn’t want the children’s money.

It don’t says that the woman dead.

It doesn’t tell you that the woman died.