VIP Class Notes (Li)


refurbish – to redecorate a place

ex. This place is newly refurbished.

bedroom – room for sleeping

furniture – sofa, table, chairs and so on

contemporary – modern in style or design

showroom – a room used to display products for sale

wash basin – surface in the bathroom where you can wash your hands

toilet bowl

study/n – a room

waiting list – a list of people waiting for sth

semester – 6 months in a school year

Speaking exercise

During the holiday we shopped a lot the homeware

During the holiday we shopped for furniture

We go to furniture mall, we went to a lot of the place

We went to the furniture mall, we went to many places 

Actually we saw one or two of the sofa

Actually, my mother likes one or two of the sofas 

She think it’s change a lot and she think if we need to change the house, she think about the they need to rent a house.

She thinks it’s changed a lot, and she thinks if we need to refurbish the house, she is worried that they need to rent a house.

During the we shop the furniture, we saw the a sofa chair

At the furniture shop, we saw a sofa chair

We want to maybe replacement

Maybe we want to replaceÂ