VIP Class Notes (Li)


UFO – spaceship

improve/upgrade – to make it better

2nd version – type 2 of the same product

we tied – no one won or lost

champion – the winner

I will puke – to get rid of food in your stomach from your mouth

brochure – a small book containing pictures or information about a product

Speaking exercise

I just stay at the house.

I just stay at home.

Yes, it’s very bored, but I can play with my iPad.

Yes, it’s very boring, but I can study and play on my iPad.

The most expensive is 100 million.

I’m 2 grade.

I’m grade 2.  

I want to have a race between my paper plane and his paper plane.

I wanted to race – between my paper plane and his paper plane.

I look the clock.

I looked at the clock.

There’s a people, he jump, and he take a photo.

There’s a person, he jumps, and he takes a photo.

I don’t like hotels, I like my home.


machine – mah-sheen

mushroom – mush-room

race – rayce