VIP Class Notes (Li)


Write about a funny commercial that you’ve worked on before.


store – to put or keep things in a special place for use in the future

ex. You can store many videos on this hard drive.

ex. Don’t delete the files stored on the computer.

film – what you put inside a camera to take pictures or shoot videos in the past

delete – to remove or cut out text/files/pictures

ex. He deleted all the files by accident.

train/v – to practise for sports

ex. They are training at different cities.

reconsider – consider again

ex. Give me 5 days to reconsider this offer.

rare – very uncommon

I’m not sure – I don’t know

I worked in advertising/worked for an advertising company

comedy – funny

ex. I prefer comedy series.

classy – elegant

function – purpose of a product

ex. Most cars have similar function.

feminine – womanly

ex. Some celebrities have a very feminine image.

endorse – promoting a product in an advertisement

ex. Celebrities endorse many products to make more money.


How often….? 

1    never – rarely – sometimes – often – always   5

ex. How often do you cook at home?

A: I rarely cook at home.

person – singular/just one

people – plural/more than one

the – for specific things/from second time onwards

ex. I need the translator’s help.

a/an – only singular/general/first time

ex. There is a book on the table. The book is mine.

don’t add anything – plural/both general and specific

ex. I don’t always rely on translators.

Speaking exercise

Most on cars, but sometimes skincare and other things.

Mostly on cars, but sometimes also skincare and other products 

Sometimes I need to work with international staff so I need to use English so I don’t want to rely on translator.

Sometimes I need to work with international staff, so I need to use English, but I don’t want to always rely on the translator.

When I start to shoot the TV commercial, we start to use the film, but now we use the SD card.

When I started to shoot/work on the TV commercials, we used to use the film, but now we use the SD cards.

SD card can store so many videos so we shoot once more and once more.

SD card can store many videos, so we usually shoot again and again. 

The agency will considering again and again.

The agency will reconsider again and again.

Now it’s rare.

I always need to help director to do some storyboard and detail of the product.

I always need to help the director to create/draw storyboards and details of products. 

Writing exercise

A recent news

A big accident happened yesterday about Taiwan Railway. A train has derailed while running. About fifty person died in this accident. The news mentioned that a family of four , just mom still alive , dad , daughter and son were all died. I think this kind of pain will unforgettable all the life to her. I think nobody can feel the same way , so no one can help her fundamentally. Hope such an accident will not happen again.


A big accident happened yesterday which is about Taiwan‘s Railway. A train had derailed while moving. About fifty people died in this accident. The news mentioned that a family of four were involved in the accident, just the mom was still alive. The dad, daughter and son were all dead. I think this kind of pain will be unforgettable throughout the mum’s life. I think nobody can feel the same pain, so no one can fundamentally help her. I hope such an accident will not happen again.