VIP Class Notes (Li)


1) 2000 Vocabulary Book – topic Body & Health

Review these words for next class

2) Write a reading reflection – one paragraph. Include your opinion.

3) Look up the new words from the reading in the dictionary. Write them down and make 2 sentences for each word.

Today we focused on:

Hygiene Habits

Listening & Reading


tip of our fingers – fingertip

Speaking exercise

Now, we will say how to wash our hands. We will wash our hands one time.

First, we will rinse our hands. Second we will rub our palms. Third, we will rub our back of hand. Next, we interlock our fingers. After that, we will to rub opposite hand. We will enclose the opposite hand to rub another hand. Now, we will rub our tips fingers. Finally, we will rinse our wrist. Lastly, we will dry our hands.

It is about Rebecca’s trip on the mountain. When Rebecca reached the top of the mountain, she became famous. Now, she has a new job. It is for a science programme on television.


Now, we will talk about how to wash our hands. We will wash our hands once together.  

First, we will rinse/we need to rinse our hands. Second, we will rub our palms. Third, we will rub the back of our hands. Next, we need to interlock our fingers. After that, we need to rub our opposite hands. Then, we need to enclose our left hand and put our opposite finger to rub our fingers. Now, we will rub our tip of our fingers. Finally, we need to rinse our wrists. Lastly, we will dry our hands.

It is about Rebecca’s trip to the mountain. When Rebecca reached the top of the mountain, she said it was the best moment of her life, and she became famous. Now, she has a new job. She works for a science programme on television.