VIP Class Notes (Li)


Read Chapters 2-4

What is your first impression of the new character in book 2? What do you know about him so far?

Today we focused on:

episode 3      29.01


cliffhanger – when there’s an open ending at the end of a story

ex. That cliffhanger left everyone wanting for more after the movie.

console – video game machine

sneak – move around secretly

ex. The kids next door would always sneak out late at night.

reptile –  a group of animals including snakes, lizards, turtles and crocodiles


sleep – > slept 

sneak -> sneaked

Writing exercise

Mr Bean wanted to buy a computer to play game, but when he went there the shop closed and there was only six left. So he sleeped in front of the shop and wait for the shop open. Tomorrow morning, a police wanted to move Mr Bean’s car so he drove the car away, but when he came back, he was the seventh. So he opened the door and went into the shop. He caught a woman who wanted to steal computers. Finally, the shop assistant give Mr Bean a computer free. He was very happy.


Mr Bean wanted to buy a game console to play games, but when he went to the shop, it already closed and there were only six consoles left. So he slept in front of the shop and waited for the shop to open. The next morning, a police officer wanted to move Mr Bean’s car, so he drove the car away, but when he came back, he was the seventh person in line. So he opened the door and sneaked into the shop. He caught a woman who wanted to steal consoles. Finally, the shop assistant gave Mr Bean a console for free. He was very happy.