VIP Class Notes (Li)


Write down what you’ve seen today.


invention – something that has never been made before is made å‘明

ex. What is the most amazing invention?

revive – to be alive again

level 1/2/3

precise – exact, accurate

ex. I hope that time will be more precise in the future.

destroy – damage or attack something

ex. The fire destroyed the entire forest.

skill – to be able to do something

ex. He wants to learn a new skill.

air – kong qi

Speaking exercise

When I become very small I can do many things such as I can hide and students can’t find me. There are some very small place and I can go there.

When I become very small I would be able to do many things such as I can hide so students can’t find me. There are some very small places and I can go there.

I want to make a special water. When you drink the water there is a lot of kinds of the water.

I want to make some special water. When you drink the water you will become a plant. 

Must be small than 100

Must be less than 100

I want the school time shorter

I want school hours to be shorter 

How to make the school broken

How to destroy the school 

It’s a skill on people

It’s a skill for people