VIP Class Notes (Li)

Today we focused on:

Reading “Mr Klutz is Nuts” 4-6


promise – to tell someone that you will 100% do something

ex. I’ll keep a secret, I promise!

bulletin board – a board on a wall with the latest news and letters

blu-tack – the sticky thing that looks like chewing gum that you can stick to paper to put it on the board

sort of – kind of

ex. I think the sky is sort of orange and red.

butt – pi gu

upset – unhappy, disappointed

ex. He was upset because his classmates ate his chocolate.

incentive – a reward that encourages someone to do something

ex. Doing 1 million questions in exchange for a chocolate party – this sounds like a good incentive.

Speaking exercise

He’s a principal.

AJ goes to the principal’s office and go back.

AJ goes to the principal’s office and comes back/returns.

Because he promised the principal.

The principal will be unfair.

The principal will treat them unfairly. 

Ms Daisy’s butt had a tack stuck.

A tack is stuck on Ms Daisy’s butt.