VIP Class Notes (Li)


Pick another reading from the website. Write down your opinion on the topic.


co-exist – 共生;共处;共存

ex. Is it possible for them to co-exist in the same department?

limited – not a lot

ex. limited sale/quantity

civil servant – government worker

freelancer – to work for yourself

microchip/chip – 芯片

will be infected – to have a disease from people/animals

quarantine – 隔离

ex. If you travel to another country then you need to quarantine for 14 days.

self-quarantine – at your own place

my brother will pick me up – collect you/something

strict – 严厉的

Speaking exercise

They think it is unsafe and although the vaccine is a limited and just government worker have the vaccine.

They think it is unsafe and although the vaccine is out/available now, it is limited, so only civil servants can have the vaccine.

My student told me because the government will management the vaccine because the government although worried the vaccine is unsafe.

My student told me because the government will control the vaccine because they are worried that the vaccine is unsafe.

If go to the public place, it’s safe to other people and other country.

If you go to public places, it’s safe for other people and other countries. 

Countries cannot keep closed

Countries cannot continue to be closed/shut 

Writing exercise

Viccine passport

Government may create “vaccine passport” to open up society, I think that is a good idear.
But, many pelple do not want accept the vaccine now, because they worry it is unsafe, including me.
I have two students, they have had the COVID – 19 vaccine, they work in Pudong airport, it is civil servant, but more people don’t vaccine.
I velive, one day, the COVID – 19 will live in peace with human,like cmmon influenza.


Vaccine passport

Governments may create the “vaccine passport” to open up society. I think this is a good idea.
But, many people do not want to accept the new vaccines now, because they worry that it is unsafe, including me.
I have two students, they have had the COVID19 vaccine, and they work at Pudong airport. Both of them are civil servants. Most people have not been vaccinated. 
I believe that one day, COVID-19 will co-exist peacefully with humans, like the common influenza.