VIP Class Notes (Li)


all correct/everything correct – no wrong answers

tidy up/clean up my bag/things

support – help

ex. The teacher can support you if you need help with homework.

rice cake – 年糕

collect – to keep things such as stamps/toys/coins as a hobby

ex. I want to collect the new KFC toys so I bought many eggs.

press a button – push a surface

1st/2nd/3rd floor – for floors/rooms/dates

when the bell rings – the sound you hear to tell you that your break is over

run away – escape

bgm – background music

principal/headmaster – head of the school 校长

afternoon tea – 下午茶

Speaking exercise

I don’t do any teacher’s questions.

I don’t have to do the teacher’s questions.

My teacher gave some food to good student.

My teacher gave some food to good/outstanding/excellent students.

We will finish school and some students tidy the school bag very slow. Tidy the bag slowly students will not get the food. This food is rectangle.

At the end of the school day, some students would tidy up their school bags very slowly. Students that tidy up slowly would not get any reward. This food is rectangular.

Today we had a very yummy yummy box meal. We have the beef ball and we have some rice cake.

Today we had a very yummy/delicious box meal. We had some beef balls and also some rice cakes.

Every day eat different things.

We have different food for lunch every day. 

Others things is good than B. But we can choice plus the rice.

Other dishes are better than B. But we can choose including the rice.

There are two things you can touch. If you touch this button, you can make Luigi and Mario go ahead.

There are two buttons you can press. If you touch this button, you can make Luigi and Mario move.

We need to know who chase us and that chase student needs to wait a minute to chase us. And then we can go to the restroom to hide because we have a door. But, some door is broken and you can hide to the last door.

We need to know who is the catcher and that student needs to wait for a minute before chasing us. And then we can hide in the restroom because we have a door. But, some doors are broken and you can hide behind the last door.