VIP Class Notes (Li)


video games – PS/Nintendo Switch games

computer games

never-> rarely ->sometimes->often->always

1 ——————————————->5

sauce – 调料

crispy – 脆

juicy – 多汁

sticky – 粘粘的


soggy – very wet and soft

mushy – too soft 烂糊的

ex. Mashed potatoes are very mushy.

Korean food – 韩国 food

raw – not cooked

ex. raw fish/sashimi

It’s more different than other food/cuisine in other cities

natural scenery – mountains/lakes/sea

bungee jump – 蹦极

Speaking exercise

She let me some questions to me

She asked me some questions

I like to play football games

I like to play football video games

But, most of the time I play Fifa online

A lot of friends have to work, we don’t any time to play together

A lot of my friends/Most of my friends have to work so we don’t any time to play together

It was fun than now

It was more fun before 

Most of games comes from Japan. I rarely try American game.

Most games come from Japan. I rarely try American games. 

Sometimes I will go eat with my friends. I like Japanese food.

Sometimes I will have a meal with my friends. I like Japanese food.

I think the best is in MX. It’s a small place. Japanese people manages it so I went to there once. I think the fried chicken is very good.

I think the best is in MX. It’s a small place. The restaurant is managed by Japanese people and I went there once. I think the fried chicken is very good/delicious/yummy 

They are really scary

They are really scared.


fifa – fee-fa

rarely – rair-ly (like hair)

really – reel-ly (long -ea)

curry – kah-ree

korean – kuh-rean