VIP Class Notes (Li)

Today we focused on:

Different work cultures


pre-drinks – when people have drinks before going somewhere else

ex. We’re going for pre-drinks downtown before the party.

ex. Young adults in the UK love to head out for pre-drinks.

top-floor – highest floor in a building

fasting/v – to not eat or drink for a period of time

casual Friday – a day when you can go into work dressed casually

ban drinks – officially prohibit sth

ex. After those two incidents, my company banned alcohol during work hours.

close to sbd – on very good terms

ex. Although she and I are not close but she acts like she knows me very well.

Germany – 德国

premium – high-end

not the main/leading decision maker

poverty – being extremely poor

Speaking exercise

Global team came together in some place

The Global team came together for a gathering at a city.  

Usually I at 11pm started to feel sleepy

I usually started to feel sleepy at 11pm. 

When I went to the London, I feel there is the process of the dinner. First, they will stand up the bar to check and after maybe 1 hour, they will go to the restaurant. After the restaurant, they will come to some bar again.

When I went to the London, I felt people had a long dinner. First, they will hang out at the bar to chat and drink and after maybe 1 hour, they will go to the restaurant. After having dinner at the restaurant, they will go to another bar again.

They are doing a lot of breaking the table, glass

They broke the table, glass and so on.  

UK team they’re quite lazy. After six o’clock no one in the office. They usually don’t working late. US team people is more hard-working is same as SH. The people is very cold. When I go to UK team…

The UK team is quite lazy/not very efficient/productive. After six o’clock, no one is in the office. They usually don’t work till late/overtime. People on the US team are more hard-working which is the same as the SH team. People are quite cold. When I went to see the UK team…

Only we meeting, they don’t care you join

If we had a meeting, they don’t care if you join

A lot of this like people

A lot of people like this 

He want to in charge

He want to be in charge/in control