VIP Class Notes (Li)


park a car – put your car in a space/a box and then you leave

gym – an indoor place for you to exercise

lift (v) weights – what people do in the gym to exercise

workout – exercise

ex. He goes to the gym every night to workout.

barbershop/hair salon – a place to get your hair cut

save/rescue the cat/girl/boy

shoe oil – what you use to shine your shoes

take a photo/picture

dye – change hair colour

ex. Some people like to dye their hair green.

Speaking exercise

I’m not very remember what this story means

The lady’s cat is on the tree and Mr Bean helps she to get the cat. She wants take a photo with him so Mr Bean goes to cut his hair, but the cutter cuts too slow so Mr Bean goes to home to cut his hair. But, he cut all of the hairs and then the photographer’s hair is fall so Mr Bean take it and use some shoe oil to make the hair black.

Then the hairdresser thinks Mr Bean’s hair is great so many people have Mr Bean’s hair and also have the cat.


I don’t really know what this story is about 

The lady’s cat is on a tree and Mr Bean helps her to save/rescue the cat. She wants take a photo with him so Mr Bean goes to get a haircut, but the hairdresser cuts too slowly so Mr Bean goes to home to cut his own hair. But, he cut all of his hair and then the photographer’s hair fall off so Mr Bean takes it and uses some shoe oil to dye the hair black.

Then the hairdresser thinks Mr Bean’s hair is great/very good looking/fashionable so many people want to have Mr Bean’s haircut.