VIP Class Notes (Li)



so/very good/amazing/brilliant/great

comedy – to describe film/play/book which are funny

parking ticket/fine – a piece of paper that you get for parking at the wrong place

line up/queue/wait in a line – pai dui

ex. They queued for five hours to eat in this restaurant.

ex. Please wait in line patiently.

ex. We lined up for the freshly baked bread.

steal – tou

button – a round circular knob that can be on your clothes/phone/lift etc.

handcuff – the police use this to catch bad people

fast forward – speed up the video

ex. Please fast forward the video so that we can watch quickly.

remote control – you use this to control a tv/fan/speakers etc.


steal -> stole (past tense) 

Speaking exercise

Play only have two days

I only had two days to play 

Not anymore class

No more classes 

The boring job is baker because it is bake many things but I can’t eat.

The most boring job is baker because you have to bake many things but you can’t eat anything. 

I made pancakes. I have cream. It is very good.

I made pancakes. I had cream. It was very good/delicious/yummy/tasty 

It so very good

It’s so good/It’s amazing!/great! 

Mr Bean got the machine because a woman put two buttons in the bag. Mr Bean see this and the woman got scared so she runs away. But, Mr Bean throws the dinosaur at the woman. The policewoman put the handcuff on the woman so she will go to jail. So Mr Bean have a button and everyone says “Goodbye” to him.


Mr Bean got the machine because a woman secretly puts two buttons in her bag/steals two buttons and puts them in her bag. Mr Bean sees this and the woman gets scared so she runs away. But, Mr Bean throws a toy dinosaur at the woman. The policewoman puts handcuffs on the woman so she will go to jail. So Mr Bean has a button and everyone says “Goodbye” to him.