VIP Class Notes (Li)

Today we focused on:

Generation gap


rollercoaster – 过山车

cable TV – traditional tv service

tech-savvy – knowing a lot about modern technology

edit photos – make changes to sth

graphics tablet – drawing tablet

clickbait – content on the internet which is meant to capture people’s attention

choir – a singing group

honeymoon phase – early happy/sweet stage of a relationship

Speaking exercise

When I take a subway coming here

When I took the subway to come here

After I watched the temperature

After I checked the temperature

They will follow some habit they all do their child. They don’t like embrace the new technology sometimes. They just follow the traditional media ways such as TV, newspapers.

They will stick to some habits that they have as a child. They don’t like to embrace new technology. They prefer to stick with traditional media such as TV, newspapers etc. 

Young people are dumped television now.

Young people have dumped/dropped the television now.

Before he had a android phone and it was very easy to get virus.

Before he had an android phone and it was susceptible to viruses. 

Attach your eyes

Capture your attention/Eye-catching 

After the normal school

After school 

Not everyone is suitable for parent

Not everyone is a suitable parent/is a qualified parent 


choir – quire (like acquire)