VIP Class Notes (Li)


soft drinks – drinks without alcohol

fizzy/carbonated drinks – coke/pepsi/fanta

soya sauce

semi – half

ex. semi-circle/semi-final

stomach ache – pain in your belly

go bad – to rot

ex. If you don’t eat the fruits quickly they’ll go bad

resell – to sell again

ex. Clothes have a low resell value.

cult – a religious group with extreme ideas

amusement park – like Disneyland

Speaking exercise

I didn’t eat water more

I didn’t drink much water 

It’s not good habit of diet

It’s not a good habit

It hurts you

It hurts 

After that I feel a little bit curious of some sweet and will eat it

After that I would crave for some sweets and I will eat it 

The next day after I eat it and the next day after my examination I had a ache

The next day/the day after, I finished my examination and I had a stomach ache

Some fruits is very easy to rotten

Some fruits go bad/get rotten easily

Amusement industry

Entertainment industry