VIP Class Notes (Li)


not my area of expertise – not what I specialise in

newcomer – new to a place

education background – good education

ex. My colleagues in India have good education background.

come from money – to have a rich family

ex. Their family comes from money.

social welfare – healthcare/insurance/education

aristocrat – people who come from powerful, rich families

manipulate – to use sbd

Speaking exercise

I report to the US one but the US one some time leverage me to do something. But, after the US left the HK one wanted to collect power….She wanted to takeover everything.

I report to the US head but the US head sometimes uses/manipulates me to leverage the power situation. But, after she left, the HK leader wanted to gather/gain power/wants more control…She wants to be in charge of/take control of everything.

Before she didn’t do it because the organisation didn’t change.

Before she didn’t do it/make any moves because the organisational structure didn’t change.

Korea and Japan is not my familiar region

I’m not familiar with/I’m not an expert of the Korea and Japan region/The Korea and Japan region are not in my area of expertise 

They use some talking point is like this…

They used some persuasion strategy which is….

For HK head her title is Asia lead

The HK head’s job title is “Asia lead” 

The market in last year is quite not good

The market last year was not very good/optimistic  

Such as HK as same way

It’s the same with HK