VIP Class Notes (Li)


Make 10 some sentences using who/whose/which/that


day off – the day when you don’t need to work

ex. Wednesdays are usually my day off.

brand new – 100% new

ex. These gloves are brand new.

quarantine – stay in a room by yourself to prevent a virus from spreading

ex. If you travel to another city you might need to be in quarantine for 14 days.

outside – not inside

ex. I don’t usually go outside when it’s sunny.

outdoors – at an open place (park, playground, field)

ex. The kids love to go outdoors for a day trip.

possibility – how likely is sth to happen


who – talking about somebody

whose – like who, but talking about ownership

ex. Who owns this book?/Who does this book belong to?

ex. Whose book is this?

ex. This book is hers. Whose pencil is that?

ex. The little girl is standing here by herself. Whose child is this?

ex. She is the little girl who was standing here by herself this morning whose mother went to buy some apples.

ex. She is the child of the woman whose parents went missing.

Speaking exercise

Basketball is a game which some boys like

This pen that I bought it yesterday

This is the pen which I bought yesterday 

Lili told me that she wanted to practise yoga (good) 

Vicki knows that Amy is coming today (good) 

People that are tall have long legs. (for groups – not just 1) 

People stay at home that in quarantine

People that stay at home are in quarantine. 

Old people prefer to live in areas that are far from the city centre.

Children like play that are outside

Children like to play at places that are outdoors

I know this month which I see him yesterday

This month I have seen him yesterday/I have seen him yesterday this month

This book is interesting which I borrow it yesterday

This book which I borrowed yesterday is interesting.