VIP Class Notes (Li)


Write a recipe of something you like and try to use the modal verbs we learnt today.

Today we focused on:

Modal Verbs


content – happy

ex. You should be content with what you have.

prediction – take a guess (weather, fortune telling)

ex. His prediction of the results of the match were inaccurate.

lottery – a game which allows you to win money if you get all the correct numbers

ex. If I win the lottery I would donate all the money to charity.



-ask for permission/requests/talking about ability


Could similar to Can but more polite 

ex. Can/Could I have a slice of pizza?

ex. You can burn your eyes when you cut onions.


-to talk about requests/asking for sth/wishes

-to talk about possible situations

-talk about habits (for both)

Would past tense of Will

Would is more polite 

ex. Would you like a piece of bread?

ex. I would put Lucas on my bed.

ex. I would love to become an artist.

ex. Will you go to the party?

ex. Will you come to my house to have tea?

ex. I will help you later.


-make offers/suggestions/talk about your opinions/more polite

-make predictions/recommend or advise sbd to do sth/70%

ex. It should rain today.

ex. You shouldn’t cut the bacon up.

ex. I think it should be a spider.

Speaking exercise

I didn’t scared of spiders

I’m not scared of spiders 

I have a book. It’s English

I have a book. It’s in English

I love the Spider Lucas so dad bought me a Spider Lucas.

I love Spider Lucas so dad bought me a Spider Lucas.