VIP Class Notes (Li)

Today we focused on:



walk my dog – take your dog out for a walk

ex. I’ll walk my dog after dinner.

superstitions – a set of beliefs that have been passed down for generations è¿·ä¿¡

dumplings – 饺å­

ghost – 鬼

Christmas decorations – things you put up to decorate your house during Christmas

legends – very old stories from ancient times which are not always true

ex. This ancient town has many legends.

itchy – you feel like scratching some part of your body

ex. My back is itchy, help me scratch it.

beat – hit

ex. He was beaten up by the older kids.

touch wood – people say this in reply to sth said which might be unlucky to hope that it doesn’t happen

Speaking exercise

In winter we will eat 饺å­. If we don’t eat your grandmother will steal your ears.

In winter we usually eat dumplings. If we don’t eat, grandmothers will pull your ears. 

If you wash  your hair you’re like a ghost

After you wash  your hair you look like a ghost

If you take off 装饰 you will be unlucky

If you take off the decorations you will become unlucky

At 0 o’clock, it have some legends in that time and then 0 is means like zero money, not anything.

There are some ancient legends related to 0 and then 0 also means zero money, nothing. 

Many many Chinese kids gets beating with a broom.

Many, many Chinese kids gets beaten up with a broom.

It’s like black than this cat

It’s darker than this cat