VIP Class Notes (Li)

Today we focused on:

Reading paper


21st/22nd/23rd – same for all days that end with 1/2/3

24th/25th/26th – ends with th after that

prison – jail

prisoners – people in jail

infested – in large numbers which is causing some problems

ex. Prisons are being infested with criminal gangs.

ex. The lab is infested with spiders.

gang – group of people or criminals who spend time together doing bad things

ex. a gang of armed robbers

ex. criminal gang

put sbd behind bars – send sbd to jail

ex. The man was put behind bars for robbery.

suspicion – a feeling or belief that someone is guilty/that something is true

ex. His suspicions of the client’s whereabouts prove to be true.

ex. The gang members were arrested on suspicion of smuggling illegal drugs.

misnomer – a wrong or inaccurate name

flagrant – shocking because of being so obvious

ex. a flagrant violation of the law

violation – something you do that breaks the law, agreement etc.

ex. What you did was in violation of the contract.