VIP Class Notes (Li)

Next Class Focus

Asking questions practise

Today we focused on:

Forming questions


obstacle  – sth that prevents sbd from doing sth/that stops progress

ex. What’s the biggest obstacle that you have encountered in life so far?

ex. How do you overcome an obstacle?

exclude – not including

interviewer – you who is asking the questions

interviewee – person getting asked question



Q + verb + subject 

ex. What did you do before you joined us?

starting with “to be” – yes/no questions

ex. Is there a problem?

ex. Are there any issues that you’d like to share with us?

starting with “have” – yes/no questions

ex. Have you discussed this with your colleagues?

ex. Has she agreed to meet us?

W questions – open questions

ex. What is your plan for next year?

ex. When will you decide?

ex. How did you solve this issue?

ex. Why do you want to work for us?

ex. Who asked/told you to come here?

Modal verbs – helping verbs (add extra meaning to second verb)


ex. I should ask for help -> Should I ask for help?

A: Yes, I should/No, I shouldn’t

ex. May I go out to buy some coffee? A: Yes, you may/No, you may not

ex. I would talk to him first -> Would you talk to him first?

ex. She could have lunch with us today. -> Could she have lunch with us today?

Speaking exercise

Please give an example of a time when you persuaded/encouraged another colleague to overcome an obstacle.

Please give an example of a time when you empowered a colleague to do something that they feared. 

They offered the help by themselves without other people ask for help and the other people not their team member.

Please give an example of a time/situation when you 1) offered help to someone who did not ask for help/it  2) This person must not be in your team.

Tell me an area that you would like to improve on based on your work performance over the past 6 months.

What would you like to…? 

if you promote success

if you get promoted successfullyÂ