VIP Class Notes (Li)

Needs more review

wobble – to shake slowly

ex. Pigs wobble when they walk.


I puked – to have food that you have eaten coming out of your mouth because you feel sick

ex. I puke when I smell rotten eggs.

electricity – what you need to make light or heat  dian yuan

ex. Mrs Wickett turned off Mr Bean’s electricity.

bills – how much you pay to use electricity, water, internet etc.

ex. Mrs Wickett has a very expensive electricity bill because she uses too much.

pay – money you give to somebody to buy something

windmill – a large fan that makes wind

ex. Mr Bean’s windmill can make lots of electricity.

dangerous – not safe

ex. Using too much electricity at once is dangerous.

freezing – very cold

ex. The weather is freezing lately!

frozen – become ice

ex. Water becomes frozen at 0 degrees C.

jug – big container to put water

plug – cha tou


worker’s face – one person

workers’ faces – two or more

Speaking exercise

At night, I eat cakes and on morning I puke

At night, I ate cakes and in the morning I puked 

I sit on it for 3 months

I sat on it for 3 months

on your ears

in your ears

Mr Bean gives to the workers chicken while workers are reading a book. He want to light a candle while the workers run away, but we hear boom because the gas comes out. The workers face are black because the gas came out and burned their faces.


Mr Bean gives to the workers chicken while the workers are reading a book. He wants to light a candle while the workers run away, but we hear “Boom” because there is an explosion. The workers’ faces are black because the gas comes out and burns their faces.

Mr Bean uses much electricity so he is warm and hot. Mrs Wickett has the key to the power box so she turn off the electricity so Mr Bean doesn’t have electricity. Mr Bean is very cold. In the morning, Mr Bean can’t eat the breakfast because the milk is frozen. He shakes the jug and the milk falls down to the bowl. The bowl broke. Mr Bean makes a machine, it called a windmill. It can make heat to warm Mr Bean. But, it doesn’t work. Mrs Wickett goes to the hospital and Mr Bean has the key to turn on the power box.


Mr Bean uses much electricity to keep him warm. Mrs Wickett has the key to the power box so she turns off the electricity so Mr Bean doesn’t have any electricity. Mr Bean is very cold. In the morning, Mr Bean can’t eat the breakfast because the milk is frozen. He shakes the jug and the milk drops on the bowl. The bowl breaks. Mr Bean makes a machine, it is called a windmill. It can make heat to keep Mr Bean warm. But, it doesn’t work. Mrs Wickett goes to the hospital and Mr Bean has the key to turn on the power box.