VIP Class Notes (Li)


adorable – cute

creatures – animals, but including fake animals like dragons

docile – easy to control and listens to you 温顺的

ex. Most dogs are docile.

natural disasters – earthquakes, tsunamis etc.

estimate– roughly calculate to guess or judge

ex. They estimated that there are over 500 guests coming next week.

laid-back – very relaxed, not aggressive, worried etc.

ex. Skye is a very laid-back person so everyone likes to hang out with her.

pushy – wanting to get things done

ex. When I’m in work, I tend to be more pushy.

lick – when you use your tongue to taste/clean

ex. Cats often lick their fur to clean themselves daily.

envy – admire another person’s situation/sth

ex. Many people post their luxurious lives on social media to make others envy them.

conserve – protect/save

ex. I have been trying to conserve water so that I pay less bills.

ex. Some animals conserve energy during winter by sleeping.

herbivores – eats plants

carnivores – eats meat

omnivores – eats both

bilingual – two languages

monolingual – one language

trilingual – three languages

multilingual – many languages

correct – incorrect 

accurate – inaccurate 

protected – unprotected

comfortable/adj – uncomfortable

comfort/n – discomfort

habitat – home for animals
