VIP Class Notes (Li)

Next Class Focus

More on conjunctions

Today we focused on:



state-owned companies – owned by the government

bank holiday – national public holiday

electricity – electric power

Cheers! – what you say to others when you toast a drink

vomit/puke  – å

ex. I will vomit even if I just drink beer.

allergic – have a bad reaction to a substance

ex. I’m allergic to alcohol so I can’t drink.

percentage – %

snacks – sweets/chocolates/biscuits


who – for people/singular

ex. He is a  very friendly person who likes to help others.

which – adds extra information/not necessary/plural

ex. I do not/don’t like to drink anything which can make me feel sick.

ex. Here is a white box which has many paperclips.

that – important information/necessary/plural

ex. I don’t trust people that try to sell you insurance.

ex. Not all products that claim to have “all-natural ingredients” are true.

ingredient – you can eat or drink

ex. flour/sugar/salt/orange/lemon

material – you can’t eat or drink

ex. cloth/wood/plastic/paper

do not/don’t – formal/casual

does not/doesn’t – formal/casual

who – doing the action

Who did you see?

Who wants to join us this weekend?

whom – receiving the action

Whom did you talk to?

He talked. With whom?

This gift is for whom?

Ben saw whom?

Speaking exercise

Why is different between the countries?

Why is it different between the countries?

When I studied work with the global. We can see who will take off and who will holiday.

When I started working with the global. We could see who will take their annual leave.

They don’t like to make trouble to this culture

They don’t like to cause trouble in their culture/trouble others  

I joined the teambuilding with them in last Friday

I joined the team building event/activity with them in last Friday

I think soju is almost the same as beer, almost 8-12%

I think soju is almost the same as beer, it’s around 8-12%


started – star – ted

beer – be-year