VIP Class Notes (Li)


1)Finish the (-ing tense worksheets)

2)Learn the words you learnt today.

3) What are you doing at night? Answer this question!

Today we focused on:

SBS Chp 3 present continuous tense


dentist – 牙医

roast duck – 烤鸭

hard – 硬

ex. This pencil is hard.

ex. I don’t like hard meat.

hard – 难

ex. My homework is too hard.

ex. This question is too hard.

whiteboard – 白板

watch – 看

ex. I like to watch TV.

piano – 钢琴

ex. Bob is watching TV.

write a letter – 写信

ex. I am writing a letter.


when – for time

ex. When do you sleep?

ex.When do you go home?/What time do you go home?

ex. When do we have dinner?

What time do you go home? 

A; I go home at 5 pm.

When do you go home? 

A: I go home after class.

What are you doing? 

A: I’m having English class.

simple present tense -ing  – 现在进行试

t0 be (verb 1) + verb 2 -ing 

ex. I am studying 

ex. You are sleeping 

ex. He/She/It is eating

ex. We are reading 

ex. They are talking 

Speaking exercise

I don’t like the dentist.

I like to eat pie. The pie is sweet/I like to eat sweet pie. 


grapes – ga-rape-ss

roast – row-st

piano – p- ah-no