VIP Class Notes (Li)


Write down what you’ve seen today.


multi – many

multi-coloured – many colours

light (verb)/light up – to make something burn

ex. Tom lights up a match.

tank – fish cage


die – died (past tense)

dead (past participle)

Speaking exercise

Other fish eat it.

Other fish ate it.

It make the tank have the same temperature.

It keeps the tank at the same temperature.

They dead

They died

But the fish hurt.

But the fish got hurt/injured and recovered 

He has many big hair.

He has a lot of hair/bushy hair.  

Writing exercise

Tom wants to catch Jerry but Jerry hides in a box so Tom wants to open the box. Then, Jerry’s friend give him a firework but when Tom burns it, it sticks on his hand so he is hurt.

Tom catches Jerry but when he opens his hand, he sees Jerry also catches something so he moves his face near it, but Jerry doesn’t catch anything and he kicks Tom’s eye.


Tom wants to catch Jerry but Jerry hides in a box so Tom wants to open the box. Then, Jerry’s friend gives him a firework but when Tom lights it, it gets stuck on his hand so he gets hurt.

Tom catches Jerry but when he opens his hand, he sees Jerry also catches something so he brings his face closer, but Jerry didn’t actually catch anything and he kicks Tom’s eye.