VIP Class Notes (Li)


Writing part 1

Reading papers

Today we focused on:

Writing Part 1

Introducing the graph

This graph illustrates/shows/compares…

provides information on/gives information about

Summarise the main points of the graph/chart

ex. North America has the highest percentage (35%) of population and wealth shares by region

Describe changes

sentences should have  – noun + adverb

ex. This region increased sharply by 15%/has a sharp increase of 15%

report numbers/percentages

ex. 30%/35 million people

Compare information

Some useful words:

-In contrast/On the other hand/However/Contrastingly/Yet

-Additionally/In addition/Similarly/

* Be clear and concise so avoid using unnecessary words


doubled/twice as much – 2x

tripled/three times as much – 3x

significant – important or noticeable

ex. There has been a significant change in the environment in the past decade.

ex. Is there any significant difference in quality between these two items?


diminish – to be reduced in size or importance

ex. The buildings over here have diminished in value over the last 3 years.

ex. Her popularity as an actor has diminished due to her lack of new projects.

pesticide – a substance used to kill insects and small animals 杀虫剂,农药

fertiliser – a substance that helps plants grow 肥料

adolescence – teenagers

second-hand/passive smoking

taking up smoking – starting to smoke

teenage smoking/teenagers that smoke – adj

wealth – 财富,钱财

ex. His wealth has accumulated over the years.

population – number of people in an area