VIP Class Notes (Li)


Finish the last page and review the vocabulary

Today we focused on:

English Smart 3 Section 3 Unit 2 pg. 138 -141


eggplant – the purple vegetable

tease – to make someone feel excited or happy for sth

ex. Stop teasing us and tell us what you brought with you to the party.

treat – to give someone sth special like a present or food etc.

ex. Her teacher treated her with a special lunch.

ex. The old lady brought many treats to share with the children.

accident – not on purpose

complain – to say or write to a company or person that you are unhappy about something 抱怨

ex. He complained to the manager because the food was not cooked through.

ex. Don’t complain about too much homework or I’ll give you more.

satisfy – to make others happy or pleased

ex. He tried to satisfy his parent’s wishes.

customer – if you eat at a restaurant or buy something at a store

ex. Many customers were unhappy with the food in this restaurant.

fussy – to describe someone who is hard to please and has high standards about many things

ex. Some shoppers are very fussy.

ex. He’s a very fussy eater.

annoy – to make someone angry 使烦恼

ex. You will annoy me if you jump on the chair and sing out loud.

ex. Singing out loud at 12 midnight will annoy the neighbours.

chewing gum – 口香糖

Speaking exercise

You are a very strange people.

You are a very strange person.

I think there may be …

I think there might be… 

The teacher just have the this

The teacher is only left with his body. 

not in the table

not under the table

Writing exercise

I will sing songs in this room. I will enjoy my voice in this empty room. Singing songs will let me relax myself.


I will sing songs in this room. I will enjoy my voice in this empty room. Singing songs will help me relax.