VIP Class Notes (Li)

Today we focused on:

Unit 7 – Conjunctions


amusement park – a place of entertainment for adults and children (like Disneyland)

scale – a machine for weighing people or things

ex. This scale is broken so I am going to buy a new one.

ex. What does the scale say?


bigger/smaller – for size

ex. She looks smaller than him.

older/younger – for age

ex. My cousin is older than me.

taller/shorter – for height

ex. I am taller than my cousin.

even though – to show differences

ex. Even though she is pretty, she thinks she is ugly.

ex. She is still mad even though they apologised to her.

since – to give reason (like because)

ex. Lucas is not here today since he is sleeping in bed.

ex. Since you’re here today I will not see you tomorrow.

as well as – to add information

ex. I will buy this pen as well as that book.

ex. She won’t be going to school tomorrow as well as on Tuesday.

until – to show time

ex. The boys won’t be sleeping until their parents come home.

ex. Sarah didn’t have lunch until the class is over.

Speaking exercise

I would like to go to the park. Draw.

He loves cats and he likes to eat chicken and drink yoghurt. He is a afraid of tigers.

Bigger than me.


I would like to go to the park. I also would like to draw.

He loves cats and he likes to eat chicken and drink yoghurt. But, he is afraid of tigers.

He is older than me.