VIP Class Notes (Li)


Finish the worksheet.

Today we focused on:

Using “If”


sour: 酸的

1,000,000 – one million

explode: to break up into pieces 爆炸

eg. If you press this, the bomb will explode

eg. He was driving so fast that his car tyre exploded.

cage: a big jail for animals

cave: the hole

disturb: to interrupt someone or something 打扰

eg. Don’t disturb your brother or he won’t finish his homework.

eg. If you disturb the dog, you will get hurt.


drink – for water, coffee, tea and so on…

eat – for medicine, ice cream, hot dog, burger and so on…

wear – for watch, clothes, shoes, socks, hat, necklace and so on…

For real situations – can happen

If + present simple + present future (shall/will) 

ex. If you wake up late, you will miss the bus

ex. If I don’t take the subway, I will be late for work.

ex. If William doesn’t go to swimming class, he will become fat.

For imaginary situations – not real

If + present simple + would + present simple/present continuous (-ing) 

ex. If I win 1 million, I would buy a nice house.

ex. If I become a frog, I would be free.

ex. If I become a gentleman, I would eat my mum.

ex. If I go back in time, I would be living in a big castle.

ex. If I go back in time, I would be living in a cave.

Speaking exercise

My mother and I went to Coco together and she saw the menu and she pay the money.

If I win 1 million, I would buy a good restaurant and a good car.

If I win 1 million I would have a big wedding.


My mother and I went to Coco together and she saw the menu. Then, she paid with money.

If I win 1 million, I would buy a good restaurant and a good car.

If I win 1 million I would have a big wedding.


sour – sow -er