VIP Class Notes (Li)


Imagine that you have an illness so you need to go to the hospital. Use the vocabulary to write a role-play.

Today we focused on:

At the hospital


pretend: to behave as if something is true when you know that it’s not 假装; 装扮

eg. Let’s pretend that we’re at the hospital.

eg. She’s not really hurt – she’s only pretending.

I feel sick – I don’t feel well

allergy: when your body reacts badly to something you eat, breathe, touch 过敏

eg. She went to the hospital for her peanut allergy.

eg. What happens when you have a bad allergy?

I sprained my…. (ankle)/I’ve got a cramp – 扭到了

I’ve got a broken arm/leg – 骨折

dizzy: your head is heavy and you can’t see or walk properly

eg. I feel dizzy after spinning on the ground for 10 seconds.

a girl with one leg/a one legged girl

crutch: sticks you use to help you walk when you break your leg

eg. Bob was on crutches for six weeks after he fell down the stairs.

I got asthma – 气喘

sunburnt: when your skin gets burnt from staying under the sun for too long

eg. Many people get sunburnt when they go to the beach.

eg. Getting sunburnt is painful.

I’ve got a stiff neck – 落枕了

I’ve cut my finger – 手指切到了

surgery: to go to the hospital to get the doctor to cut your body open 开刀

eg. She needs to get surgery to fix her broken nose.

Is it painful? – 会痛吗?

prescribe: to say what medical treatment somebody needs 开药

eg. I’ve been prescribed painkillers.

eg. The doctor prescribed some pills.

food poisoning: illness caused by eating bad food 食物中毒

eg. He got food poisoning after eating raw fish.

puke: 呕吐

eg. I’ve got food poisoning so I want to puke.

eg. If you eat too much, you’ll feel like puking.

medical record/information/data – 资料


have + got + noun 

I have got a headache

I’ve got a fever

I’ve got food poisoning.

have + got + broken + noun

I’ve got a broken arm