VIP Class Notes (Li) [W]


Write about your trip to Disneyland. Who did you go with? How was your experience? What did you like about it?


fairy: 仙女

carriage: 马车

crown: 王冠

castle: 城堡

treasure: 宝物

Writing exercise

I have two best friends and they are Lisa and Apple. They are both tall, thin and twelve years old. Apple likes dancing and drawing, but Lisa likes playing basketball, swimming and singing, so Lisa is a sporting girl and she often helps Apple to run faster more than other students. We often buy food together after school. We are both often works hard and never naughty and tell lies too, so we are good friends.


I have two best friends, and they are Lisa and Apple. They are both tall, thin and twelve years old. Apple likes dancing and drawing, but Lisa likes playing basketball, swimming and singing. so Lisa is a sporting  sporty girl and she often helps Apple to run faster more than other students. We often buy food together after school. We are both often works hard and are never naughty or tell lies too, so we are good friends.


now I don’t very like – now I don’t like it 

three maths classes a week