VIP Class Notes (Li)


garlic: 大蒜

binoculars: 双筒望远镜

telescope: 望远镜


on – Sunday/Monday/Christmas Day/William’s birthday

on Sunday morning

in – Christmas Day/in the morning/afternoon

at – noon/midnight/a place/the park (specific place)  

at the hospital – I’m just there for a visit

in the hospital – I’m there overnight

had+ to+ do/go – need to do something

I had to go to school this morning.

We had to eat at home.

I will play the football/basketball/badminton

the – singular/plural (specific)

a/an – singular (general)

I can see a building. The building is tall.

Speaking exercise

First, at Saturday I go to English class. I need to go flute class and do some homework.

I go to swimming class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Saturday I need to go to another flute class. I like swimming class the best.


On Saturday, first I went to English. Then I had to go to flute class and after that, I did my homework.

have swimming classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Saturdays, I need to go to another flute class.