VIP Class Notes (Li)


Bring last class’s homework with you next class.

Today we focused on:

Count/non-count continued + reading


Did you bring your homework? – 你有带作业吗?

a box of cereal/juice – 一盒

a bowl of rice- 一碗

a loaf of bread – 一条

a bag of sugar/flour – 一包

a can of soup – 一罐

a bunch of bananas/carrots/grapes – 一串

a gallon of water – 一加仑

a pound of apples/carrots – 一磅

a slice of cheese – 一片

a piece of cheese/cake – 一块

a dozen eggs (12 eggs)  – 一打


eg. William rushed to class today because he was running late.

appetite: don’t feel like eating anymore 食欲,胃口

eg. The meal looks awful. I don’t have an appetite now.

eg. I haven’t got much of an appetite today.

decide: to choose something after thinking carefully 决定,决断,确定

eg. I can’t decide what to have for dessert. What do you recommend?

eg. William has decided to not go to school today.

scrambled eggs: 炒蛋

pepper: 胡椒

stew: 炖

eg. vegetable/beef/chicken stew

chop: 砍;剁碎,切碎

eg. chop the mushrooms/onions

slice: 薄片

eg. slice carrots/tomatoes

portion: 一份

eg. a portion of meat/noodles/vegetables

baking soda: 苏打粉

recipe: instructions to show you how to cook 食谱

eg. What is the recipe for this dish?

eg. I don’t like to follow recipes.
