VIP Class Notes (Li) [S]

Speaking exercise

What personality quality do you think is most important in a good friend? Explain why.

I think honesty is the most important characteristic in my friend. I cannot trust a not honest dishonest friend. With a honest friend, I can share almost everything with him so I think honesty is the most important characteristic, I think. 

Talk about something friend a family member of yours did that you were proud of. Describe what they did, and explain why you were proud.

I’m proud of my little cousin. He travelled to Beijing by himself/on his own when he were was 13 years old. I have never been to another city until I was 18. So I thought it was great bravery very brave of him to go on his own. He bought the ticket by himself. When he got to Beijing, he called his mother and father. We think he will be a great young man later in life. 

tourist guide – tour guide

it makes me feel energy – energetic/makes me feel refreshed

it is better to reward employees by paying more/increasing their salary

Some tips for speaking:

1. Use question statement to phrase your first response

2. Try to provide 2-3 reasons and example; reason + example, reason + example

3. Finish by wrapping up your response

4. Don’t over complicate your sentences if you are not 100% certain of the sentence structure


procedure – pro – see -chur