VIP Class Notes (Li)


pick me up: 载我

eg. My mother will pick me up when I get to the station.

carpool: 搭便车

eg. I used to carpool with my friends to go to school.

eg. She is trying to find another person to carpool with.

annual gala/gala dinner: 年会

eg. My boss asked me to attend the annual gala.

snob (n): a person who only looks up to people who are better than him/her 势利小人,势利眼;爱虚荣的人

eg. He’s a terrible snob, others find him annoying.

snobbish(adj): a snobbish rich kid

industry: 产业

eg. What industry do you work in?

eg. This industry has been developing for the past 5 years.

career: 生涯,职业;事业

eg. She wants to pursue a career in education.

eg. He’s looking for a career change in the next 2 years.

signal: phone connection

eg. The signal is bad/good

eg. I can’t hear you because your signal is weak.

con-call/conference call: a meeting on the phone, computer etc.

demand: to ask for something forcefully/to want to have everything your way 强势, 坚决请求

eg. My boss is a very demanding person, I feel so stressed out.

eg. I demand to get a pay rise.


the sailor – the salesperson 

my phone number use for many years – my phone number has been active/in-use for many years

connect to many services – tied to many services

every day I do the 相同task – every day I did the same tasks/I dealt with repetitive tasks