VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (W+S)


“I am sorry for being ten minutes late. ”

[to be + late / early …. ] .  —-> the most effective

My husband is 3 years older than me . —-> My husband is 3 years my senior. 

My little brother is 5 years younger than me . —-> My little brother is 5 years my junior. 

IETLS exam and TOEFL exam

My son is too  old for this exam —> My son is too young for us to prepare for this exam.

I want my son to study abroad but it depends on whatever he wanted —–> I want my son to study abroad but it depends on whatever he wants / he will want. 

Talking Specifically about Higher Education:

  • At age 18-22, in Europe, most people say “I am going to University (a big school, or a established institution, 5000+ people).”
  • In America, at age 18-22, most people say “I am going to college ” (Americans use this word)
  • In academic terms: at Stanford University there is the college of MIT.
  • The Julliard College of Music —-> More interaction with Teachers/Professors, More study groups,

refined education

a specific plan for your education

to be a fan of __________

a lecture hall  – 100 students to 1 professor

specialized courses  – smaller class size

absorb – to soak it

Writing exercise

Original Writing:

Nowdays,it’s hard to believe that working or living without network. Most forienginers love Shanghai for it’s convenient digital life. It’s easy for us to communicate with each other online wherever we are. China’s 4G deployment has already allowed us to watch live broadcast shows even during subway rides.In Mar.19th,Shanghai railway station covered by indoor 5G network which means 5G is kicked off in Shanghai.While 4G changes our life, 5G will change the society, which means using 5G technology to connect with everything,such as robotics, cars, and so on. It will make the world fully digitalized and intelligent.

Corrected Writing: 

Nowdays, it’s hard to believe that working or living without a wireless network. Most foreigners love Shanghai for it’s convenient digital life (if the Govt. allows us to!). It’s easy for everyone/people in Shanghai to communicate with each other online wherever we are in city. China’s 4G deployment has already allowed us to watch live broadcast shows even on the subway. On Mar.19th, Shanghai Railway Station became covered by indoor 5G network which means 5G was kicked off launched in Shanghai. While 4G has changed our life, 5G will change the society even more. which means Using 5G technology to connect with everything such as from robotics to automated cars and so on will make the world fully digitalized and intelligent.

Next Class Focus

to connect with everything such as from robotics to automated cars —->

  • to connect robotics and cars = most simple
  • to connect everything from

Needs more review

itinerary (n): 1-a detailed plan or route of a journey
E.g.: The tour operator will arrange transport and plan your itinerary. 旅行社工作人员将负责安排交通和旅程计划。

rude (adj): 1- not polite; offensive or embarrassing
He’s a very rude man. 他这人很粗鲁。
It’s rude not to say “Thank you” when you are given something.

College entrance examination-高考

librarian –a person who works in a library

three, eight, etc. years sb’s junior-three, eight, etc. years younger than someone
E.g.: My brother is five years my junior. 我弟弟比我小5岁。
E.g.: My sister is my junior by three years (= three years younger than me). 我妹妹比我小3岁。

20, 30, etc. years sb’s senior-20, 30, etc. years older than someone
E.g.: She married a man 20 years her senior. 她嫁给了一个比她年长20岁的男人。
E.g.: She’s my senior by three years (= she is three years older than me). 她比我大3岁。