VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (S+W)


Write a customer review of eating at the Beef and Liberty restaurant in Shanghai.

Speaking exercise

Too many people are vegetarians now, I don’t know why they all converted! You need to have meat in your diet. 


to hear vs. to listen t0 (verbs)

  1.  I was listening to music. (Enjoyment)
    1. We listened to her beautiful song.
  2. I heard someone say. (information/masculine)
    1. Do you hear me? —> asking Do you understand?
    2. to gain or share information


en una crisis económica = to be in an economic crisis

To be kicked out of the company = echar de la impresa

Partner =

  1. Business Partner
    1. He has a business partner in China.
  2. Life Partner “romantic” such as Husband or Wife
    1. Alternative way to describe your personal life. “I have a partner.” Non-gender.

Lobster = Langosta

ex. Elena will go to eat rice with lobster. 

Crawdads = cangrejos = shao long shah “Little Lobsters”

ex. The “Little Lobsters” are popular in China and in Louisiana in the USA. 

beef = cow meat = niu rou

Cowboy = Vaquero

Blue Frog Restaurant =

The reality = realidad

stretching – to move different parts of the body

MMA = Mixed martial arts

anesthesia – t0 make you go to sleep in a surgery

Coma – When you don’t wake up from some medical event, like surgery

Writing exercise


The economy in Spain has been falling since 2009, until now I didn’t see great changes about it. When the economy have started to decline, a cycle was formed witch was impossible to exit from it. I had been listening in this years that many people like foreigners from Latin America returned because in they homes the men was the must important source of income, them had worked in the construction area and this area was the first one that fell. Also many Spanish people left the country searching another opportunity because in that years the business owners didn’t want to recognized the professional title the employees or the number of years worked in they company, so they took advantage of this situation and offered unskilled works or very low salaries. Now I has seen Spain grow a slow pace since this financial crisis began, but now the government continues with the crisis and therefore the people too. The corruption is everywhere, and worse is what we all know.


The economy in Spain has been falling since 2009 (two thousand and nine) and until now we haven’t seen many positive improvements. Why is that? When the economy started to decline, a cycle was formed which was impossible to break. I have heard that recently many foreigners from Latin America have returned because in their homes the men were the must important source of income. They had worked in the construction area and this area/industry was the first one that fell. Also many Spanish people left the country (Spain) searching for other opportunities because in those years the business owners didn’t want to recognize the professional title of the employees or the number of years that they had worked in the company, so they took advantage of this situation and preferred unskilled labor and paying very low salaries. Since then, I have seen Spain grow but at a slow pace since the financial crisis began, but now the government continues to be in crisis and therefore the people are too. Corruption is everywhere, but sometimes we see the worse of things.  


Raw : R AH / R Ahhhhh / RAHRRRRR

The Raw restaurant is really nice place to have beef in Shanghai—-> Their beef is cooked in the oven

Oven = Cooking in the Horno

Kitchen = en la Cocina

the Chef  is teaching another Chef how to prepare the meals

‘Shef’ is teaching another ‘Shef’