VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (S+R)

Speaking exercise

Do you have the opportunity to travel for work? Yeah, sometimes I need to travel to Sichuan or Beijing…

  1. You Can Ask Another Question to me —-> What about you? Tell me about yourself. Tell me what you think about __________. 
  2. You can elaborate —> Give more details. I am giving more specific information 具体信息… “Tell a Story” 

Complex Questions:

  • Where are you from? What is your work? How long do you live in Shanghai?

Simple Questions: 

  • What’s that ? What are you doing? –> Whatcha doin? 你在做什么… I like _____.
    • To Compliment 赞美 them or to Join them. 
      • You are so cool ! You are fun ! You are interesting 有趣 ! You are amazing ! T
      • That’s great. That’s awesome. That’s cool. That’s funny/silly.

How to Initiate Conversations with Strangers

  1. Use your Strengths as a Person —- Know Yourself  了解自己
  2. What Does the Other Person Want: 
    1. kids want entertainment 娱乐
    2. Adults are selfish. Men are simple. 成年人是自私的。男人是简单的。
      1. Men like Sports, Drinking/Smoking with Friends, Women…  Friendship, Conversations.
      2. Women like talk about Relationships, Long Term Thinking 长期思考, Shopping/Material Things 物质的东西 Self-Care/Cosmetics/Makeup, Kids/Family, Fitness 健身, some Drinking/Smoking with friends.
    3. ***Be Here Now***  —> 现在在这里

What to Say/Not to Say with Foreigners

Additional Tips: 

  1. Be here now. Friendly Conversations.
  2. Ask Simple Questions.
  3. Don’t think/talk about work. Be here now.

Meeting people is contextual. It depends on situation.  与人见面是有背景的。这取决于情况。


bear = a xiong 

ex. A black bear is eating the black berries. 

to bear = to carry the weight

ex. I cannot bear the burden of my boss. 我不能承担老板的负担。

to handle (verb) – 处理

ex. I cannot handle it = I don’t want to do it.

Black berry – 黑莓

Conversations 对话

to Vent – (verb) to complain, or to talk about one’s feelings in a productive manner

ex. To let out some air, or to let out some of the Feelings that you may have

ex. I need to vent because my boss is incompetent 无能 / frustrating 挫折

the gym 健身房.

activity center 活动中心

more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand)

The feeling of frustration – ” a difficult feeling ”

I can’t bear it = Wo Shou bu lia

Im sorry = Excuse 

I am really sorry — it is my problem / fault.

Excuse me —- it was accidental 意外


Specific —> Spuh Si Fick 

ex. Can you please be more specific?

Inspired –> In Sp’Eye eRd

ex. He is very athletic. When I talked with him, he inspired me to go to the gym 健身房.

I can’t bear it = Wo Shou bu liao

ex. I cannot bear my job.