VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (S + W)

Speaking exercise

  • It is about battle of Crecy during the Hundred Years War… In the history of England and France, there was a big battle in 1346. The English Longbowmen were the best part of the English army.
  • The French lost because the Longbowmen was very good and they can’t go near to them.

the Longbowmen was very good  —-> The English has can be used at long range, medium range, and short range. 

long range—> means to be able to shoot from Far Away

they can’t go near to — > They couldn’t get close to them for fighting with swords. 

  • We had IT class, Chinese, English, Math, PE and Music classes today. ….
  • We play outside and I am not sure. My dad drive a car to there. It is about battle


In order, we had two sections of IT class first, then third class was English and fourth was Chinese. Then we had lunch. We did 2 periods of math in the afternoon, PE was 7th period/section and at the end of the day we had Music class. .. My dad will drive us there in our family car.


Archery = 射箭

armored knights 装甲骑士

english and french =英语和法语

English Longbowmen – 英国长弓兵

the english longbow can easily shoot over 200 meters – 英国长弓可以轻松射击超过200米

Our classes can change depending on the abilities in a certain subject. For example, I am in the top math class but if I was learning Drawing, then I would be a lower class because it is not one of my strengths.

depending (verb) – “It depends’

A thing because of another thing. ex. We may go to Disneyland depending on if the weather is nice.

abilities (noun) 能力

Henry has exceptional math abilities. 

Top – I am in the top class / I am at the top of the tower.

one of my strengths 我的优点之一

look out the window   / enjoy the sights

do you get Carsick 晕车

to vomit 呕吐

One time on my way to Korea,

to farting  放屁

Rough  ( to be difficult )耐用