VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (S)

Needs more review

routine – 常规

to be healthy -是健康的


  1. conveniently located = a good location, takes a short time and less money to get to another place,

example sentence . My house is in a conveniently located area, it is not far from other nice places. 

Not a big problem – it doesn’t matter, there is not major trouble, no worries, no biggie.

I called my Boss immediately but she said/told us is not a big problem. 

efficient / efficiently 有效 – to work very well, to be highly functional

Our computer work is efficient. When we use computers, we can work efficiently. 

overconfident – she believes in herself too much, she is TOO confident

I have a feeling that my Boss is overconfident.

travel documents旅行- a passport, money is the most important, map, national ID card,

When I went to Japan, I had already arranged and carried my travel documents. 

to strategize / make a strategy

Sun Tzu wrote a book about ancient Chinese military strategy.

Multitasking = to do more than one thing at a time, it is possible but not always most effective

Zuley likes multitasking. When he is at home, he listens to audiobooks and cleans the house.


whole — huh-Owle – the dip tone / fall then rise

hole – falling tone