VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (S)



  • What was the most delicious food that you had in NW China?
    • The most delicious food that I tried in NW China was ….  beef noodles.
  • What beautiful views did you see in NW China? The ..

“there is a time for everything…” —-> An expression, figure of speech, or an Idiom

connotation/ intonation —> the sound of talking 内涵

——way of talking –> 说话的方式

Adverbs: quickly, slowly, hardly, patiently, potentially, excitedly. eagerly, wonderfully,

ex. He was talking about his exercises excitedly.

Speaking exercise

My last trip was to the North West of China. The landscape was wonderful. I went to there with my best friend. We ate some very famous beef noodles. The ancient history ones—> The beautiful views that I saw is the landscape and the view the China if you have the opportunity to go there. The total travel time that I started in Shanghai to the end was an 8 days trip. I used 4 days annual leave that time, and combined it with the national holiday. I think in order to see Xinjiang I would have needed to spend more time.


maintaining —> main tain ing

starting a new job

social platform — PLAT form / social  media

The children are PLAYING in the garden. The adults are socializing on the PLATFORM.

shadowrocket weibo/tiktok/wechat


to be hangry (hungry / angry)

to be distracted – think about something else

Seriously! For Real! Totally  – !  <—-> “Genda”

Running is tiring  < —> It makes me tired.

promotional events /advertising our brand 

apply: to begin to join an organization

I applied to make a company account then we can publish the information online.

maintaining  : to keep things the same, I maintained my job for 5 years.


ex I upload interactive activities to our official account usually once a week.

environment / conditions / situation

to shift / change 

Why did you make a career shift? 

confusing/mixed up – a bad thing

to improve/ improvement -noun

ex. Hopefully the work situation will improve.