VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (S)


When I am free I just go to English class or go to badminton. I go to badminton on Weihai road, I have some friends who I have organized with them to play from 6-8pm. If I am in Shanghai, or I am in France. I think Parisians are evil. They are have personal motives.


environment – l’environment

Sitting on the Floor =

ex. The entire place doesn’t have furniture

Motivates you? Personal objectives or reasons to do things.

My objective / mon but= mon objectif, mon but

Foreigner = waiguoren

I have some foreigner friends.

bucket list = a wish list for life before you die

ex. I have already checked off several items from my bucket list.

private formal events = Gala

to advertise on Weibo

frequency = half of the year,

How often do you work private events? 

a lot of time =

ex. I spend a lot of time traveling for work. 


Seoul, Korea —-> Soul

624 Road Bar Changle Road