VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (S)


Heidi’s Homework is to write a Personal Statement  or an Intro to The 6 Branches .


daily = doing it day by day

Ex. When you practice Asana, it transforms your daily life. 

emotionally – (adverb) with a way of emotion, feeling

ex. When you practice Asana, it is possible to emotionally release the tension and stress in your body.

physically – in a physical sense

ex. When you practice Asana, it is possible to physically release the tension and stress in your body.

Divine = God / Supreme Consciousness

Trust in the Divine energy.


Completing Sentences in Past Continuous Verb Tense: 

  • “I have been  there for 10 years.”  —-> I have LIVED there for 10 years.
  • “I have been _________ there for 10 years.”

—–> 1) visiting , 2) studying yoga, 3) took –> taking the yoga training courses

  1. I have been visiting Boulder, Colorado for 10 years.
  2. I have been studying yoga there for 10 years.
  3. I have been taking yoga training courses there for 10 years.

Speaking exercise

Why do you practice Yoga ?  (why did you begin / what do you want to talk about?)

I practice Yoga because its gets gives me tranquil (Peaceful/quiet/calm/relaxed/stable) mind:

  • I like/enjoy to practice Yoga because…..
  • Use adverbs: Daily, Continuously, Repetitively
  • I practice Yoga daily because it gives me tranquility.

It helps me to see the thing with different angle.

  • It helps me to see through the things/concepts/qualities in people.
  • Yoga helps me to see one thing from different angles.

Get to know Self better.

Also having more abilities to connect others. 


I bought *

Gives vs. Gets

Tek neek…  Technique
