VIP Class Notes (Kyle)

Next Class Focus

Focus on to clarify the contextual meanings of adjectives. Needs to use adjectives with more context. For example,

South Africa is rich.——>

  • South Africa is  culturally rich.
  • South Africa is rich in natural resources.
  • South Africa has a rich diversity of human populations and cultures.

How you define Wealth= to be rich


Blossoms = Tree Flowers, the pretty things on a tree,

——> Cherry Blossoms = Tree flowers on a Cherry tree

University / College = da xue

to intimdate,  intimidated (adj) =

I am not so intimidated any more by [Chinese/English/something else].

strange = to be out of the ordinary, NOT Normal

estranged (adje.) – = uncomfortable, to be unfamiliar or to be a foreigner in an environment

The foreigners in Shanghai do not feel estranged in this environment. 

Besides Shanghai, I think many cities in China would cause foreigners to feel estranged. 

Coastal (adj.)= to be on the sea, to be on the coast

developed = to be heavily, economically advanced 

finance $ and economics %  =  —-> 

ex. There are some economically developing countries and then there are some cities which are already developed. 

economic development = Growth, to get bigger and more complex

cultural development = The idea that a culture is growing, getting bigger and more complex

Ancient (Asian) (adj. = Very Old ______ Culture , more than +1000 years ago. AIN Chent 

ex. The Terra Cotta Warriors are relics of ancient culture in Xi’an.

Modern (adj. = relating to the Present or Recent times, not the past. Xian zai.

ex. You can go online to learn about modern events.

Complex = it is difficult to discuss Political History in a second language

This situation is very calculated and complex.