VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (R+S)

1984 – written by George Orwell  in 1949 

Utopia – a perfect society, “a happy future,” a very ideal situation

——opposite word / idea ————

Dystopia – a government that has “failed” its people, by creating a society which is no longer “free”


Rugby football – the international sport without pads / helmets 

to unite the country – to bring all the people together

ex. The President of France helped to unite his country by thanking the sons of immigrants for helping to win the 1998 World Cup.

campaign – è¿åŠ¨

factions = 派别

There are many different factions or group.

A superstate is defined as “a large and powerful state formed when several smaller countries unite”,[1] “A large and powerful state formed from a federation or union of nations”

ex. America and China could be considered modern “superstates.”

perpetual =永久 (continuous)

omnipresent = 无所ä¸åœ¨

survey —-> surveillance = to watch over, to analyze, to research

ex. In government surveillance the government is monitoring and analyzing the people. 

Propaganda  宣传- information used to influence

ex. Propaganda is imposed onto an audience by an actor (on the people by the government). 

Doublethink-  is the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in distinct social contexts

contradiction 矛盾

LOL – “laugh out loud” —->

Haha = That is a funny! / I am laughing / happy to see that. 

ex. George Orwell predicted our language in social media by writing about Newspeak in 1984 ! 

limited vocabulary —>  less and less ci hui

Social Media Vocabulary:

ttyl = Talk to you later

GTG = got to go