VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (R)

Hades Reading Class with Teacher Kai 凯老师

Reading Checklist = every time you read, you can use this check list,

X = t0 make a mark, an X, or a Check

to underline – to make a line under the text

I speak, draw and write about what I read. = ta ting bu dong zhege 


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

purpose = reason, why

astronauts = people who go to space 宇航员

Neil Armstrong = the first person to walk on the Moon in 1969

the Eagle = 鹰

Moon = 月亮

rocks = 岩石

soil = 土壤

United States = 美国

sticks = 棒

everyone = 每个人 都

far from – yuan de

surface – 表面

We also completed page 12 of Hades’ homework.